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Get Basic System Information from REXX


This sample program shows how to display basic mainframe processor and z/OS system information from a REXX.

This REXX can be called by any TSO/E user. Just copy this REXX into a dataset, and issue the TSO/E command
EXEC 'dataset.with.rexx'

/* Rexx */
Address TSO
Numeric Digits 64

/*                                                                    */
/* Name: LPINFOX                                                      */
/* Description: Print out basic information about this z/OS image.    */
/*                                                                    */
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or      */
/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as     */
/* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the */
/* License, or (at your option) any later version.                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of     */
/* General Public License for more details at                         */
/* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/*                        (c) Copyright 2011-2022 Longpela Expertise  */
/*                        www.longpelaexpertise.com.au                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Get z/OS name and version                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
cvtaddr = get_dec_addr(16)             /* Get address of CVT          */
zos_name = Strip(Storage(D2x(cvtaddr+340),8))
ecvtaddr = get_dec_addr(cvtaddr+140)
zos_ver = Strip(Storage(D2x(ecvtaddr+512),2))
zos_rel = Strip(Storage(D2x(ecvtaddr+514),2))

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Output Title                                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
say '------------------------------------------------------'
say ' LPInfo: Information for z/OS' zos_name 'as of' Date()
say '------------------------------------------------------'
Say 'z/OS version:' zos_ver || '.' || zos_rel

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Output Sysplex and JES Information                                */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
sysplex_name = Strip(Storage(D2x(ecvtaddr+8),8))
Say 'Sysplex name:' sysplex_name
Say 'JES:' SYSVAR('SYSJES')  '(Node' SYSVAR('SYSNODE') || ')'

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Output Security System Information                                */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
cvtrac = get_dec_addr(cvtaddr+992)
rcvtid = Storage(d2x(cvtrac),4)
If rcvtid = 'RCVT' Then say 'Security Software: RACF'
If rcvtid = 'RTSS' Then say 'Security Software: CA Top Secret'
If rcvtid = 'ACF2' Then say 'Security Software: CA ACF2'
Say ''

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Call IWMQVS to get MSU, LPAR and z/VM Info                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* --- Setup parameters and output area ----------------------------- */
QVS_Outlen = 500                       /* Output area length          */
QVS_Outlenx = Right(x2c(d2x(QVS_Outlen)),4,d2c(0))
                                       /* Get length as fullword      */
QVS_Out = QVS_Outlenx || Copies('00'X,QVS_Outlen-4)

/* --- Call IWMQVS  ------------------------------------------------- */
Address Linkpgm 'IWMQVS QVS_Out'
If rc > 0 Then Say "Error from IWMQVS, rc = " || rc

/* --- Process capacity flags \-------------------------------------- */
qvs_flag = C2x(substr(QVS_Out,6,1))
cec_cap_valid = Substr(X2b(qvs_flag),1,1) /* CEC capacity valid?      */
lpar_cap_valid = Substr(X2b(qvs_flag),2,1)/* LPAR capacity valid?     */
vm_cap_valid = Substr(X2b(qvs_flag),3,1)  /* VM capacity valid?       */

/* --- Output Processor model and type ------------------------------ */
cec_type = Substr(QVS_Out,9,4)
cec_model = Substr(QVS_Out,13,12)
cec_serial = Substr(QVS_Out,39,6)
  When cec_type = '2064' Then cec_desc = '(z Series 900)'
  When cec_type = '2066' Then cec_desc = '(z Series 800)'
  When cec_type = '2084' Then cec_desc = '(z Series 990)'
  When cec_type = '2086' Then cec_desc = '(z Series 890)'
  When cec_type = '2094' Then cec_desc = '(System z9 EC)'
  When cec_type = '2096' Then cec_desc = '(System z9 BC)'
  When cec_type = '2097' Then cec_desc = '(System z10 EC)'
  When cec_type = '2098' Then cec_desc = '(System z10 BC)'
  When cec_type = '2817' Then cec_desc = '(zEnterprise 196)'
  When cec_type = '2818' Then cec_desc = '(zEnterprise 114)'
  When cec_type = '2827' Then cec_desc = '(zEnterprise EC12)'
  When cec_type = '2964' Then cec_desc = '(z System z13)'
  When cec_type = '2965' Then cec_desc = '(z System z13s)'
  When cec_type = '3906' Then cec_desc = '(IBM Z z14)'
  When cec_type = '3907' Then cec_desc = '(IBM Z z14 ZR1)'
  When cec_type = '8561' Then cec_desc = '(IBM Z z15)'
  When cec_type = '8562' Then cec_desc = '(IBM Z z15 T02)'
  When cec_type = '3931' Then cec_desc = '(IBM Z z16)'
  Otherwise cec_desc = ''
End                                    /* select                      */
Say 'CEC: ' || cec_type || '-' || Strip(cec_model) cec_desc
Say 'CEC Serial: ' || cec_serial

/* --- Output CEC capacity ------------------------------------------ */
If cec_cap_valid = 1 Then Do
   proc_cap = C2d(Substr(QVS_out,65,4))
   Say 'CEC Capacity' proc_cap 'MSU'
End                                    /* if cec capacity valid       */

/* --- Output LPAR name and capacity -------------------------------- */
lparname = Strip(Substr(QVS_out,69,8))
If lparname = '' Then Say 'Not running under an LPAR'
Else Say 'LPAR name:' lparname
If lpar_cap_valid = 1 Then Do
   lpar_cap = C2d(Substr(QVS_out,81,4))
   Say 'LPAR Capacity' lpar_cap 'MSU'
End                                    /* if lpar capacity valid      */

/* --- Output z/VM image name and capacity -------------------------- */
vmname = Strip(Substr(QVS_out,85,8))
If vmname = '0000000000000000'x
   Then Say 'Not running under a z/VM image'
Else Say 'z/VM image name:' vmname
If vm_cap_valid = 1 Then Do
   vm_cap = C2d(Substr(QVS_out,93,4))
   Say 'z/VM Image Capacity' lpar_cap 'MSU'
End                                    /* if vm capacity valid        */


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                                    */
/*  get_dec_addr                                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/*     Function to return address stored at address passed            */
/*                                                                    */
/*     Input:  addr = address of storage holding address needed       */
/*     Output: four bytes at addr (in decimal)                        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Parse Arg addr
hex_addr = d2x(addr)
stor = Storage(hex_addr,4)
hex_stor = c2x(stor)
value = x2d(hex_stor)
Return value

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