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We are Mainframe Systems Experts.
We can:
We know:
- IBM Z Mainframes.
- z/OS (MVS or OS/390).
- CICS, IMS, Db2, MQ and more.
- Mainframe security: RACF and ACF2.
- Programming: Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C, SAS and REXX.
- Mainframe costs and how to reduce them.
- Mainframe modernisation options and pitfalls.
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Based in Australia, we can help your organisation - wherever you are worldwide.
What's New
Find out how consultants can solve mainframe systems skills shortages in our white paper
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Mainframe beginner? Then you need our book What On Earth is a Mainframe
Read expert Mainframe articles in LongEx Mainframe Quarterly.
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