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LongEx Mainframe Quarterly - May 2010
technical: Cross Memory Communications for Beginners |
One of the strengths of z/OS is its concept of address spaces. Every process
(or address space) has its own storage, and believes that it has the entire
z/OS to itself. Separating tasks into address spaces means that a task in one
address space cannot access data or affect (crash) a task in another.
However there are times when a task in one address space needs to access data,
or even run a program, in another address space. In this article, we look at
the options for people new to cross memory communications.
1. SRB
In the early days of z/OS (or MVS, as it was called then), the only way to
access storage or run a program in a different address space was to use an
SRB (Service Request Block) routine. The SRB actually refers to the control
block that holds information on the routine to be run.
SRBs are special beasts - they're not normal tasks. They operate outside
the normal TCB-RB control block chain. They are aligned either with the ASCB
(local SRB) or the master scheduler (global SRB). This means that they:
- Always run in supervisor state.
- Cannot call any SVCs except ABEND (but can use branch entry forms of some
- Cannot be interrupted except for a page fault or unavailable lock. This
means that they can't WAIT.
- Can run in cross memory and AR mode (we talk more about these shortly).
- Can issue a PC, or schedule another SRB.
- Can be very dangerous in the wrong hands.
Here's how they work:
- The caller builds a routine to run as an SRB and stores it in CSA.
- The caller creates and populates an SRB control block in CSA (not required
if using IEAMSCHD).
- The caller schedules the SRB using SCHEDULE or IEAMSCHD.
- If the caller wants to wait for the SRB, it WAITs on an ECB in CSA.
- The SRB runs in the remote address space.
- If the caller is waiting, the SRB performs a cross-memory POST when done.
The SRB routine and ECB are put into CSA so they are addressable in the target
address space.
Using the more modern IEAMSCHD macro is easier than SCHEDULE. You can include
an automatic wait if required, and there's no need to manually build the SRB.
You also have more control over the SRBs environment.
SRBs are intended for very short units of work - long running SRBs can 'freeze'
an address space. SRBs can be scheduled in cross memory mode (which we talk
about a bit later). Although SRBs are often used with existing system, few
new ones are being written today. Most of the features can be performed with
synchronous cross memory and PCs - with more control, and less scope for disaster.
- The remote address space doesn't have to be swapped in.
- The SRB can do whatever it likes in the remote address space.
- Tricky to create.
- Because the SRB is so powerful, it has a lot of scope for destroying not
only address spaces, but the entire z/OS image.
- SRBs require strong error handling and recovery.
- The calling program cannot access memory directly. It must rely on the
SRB routine to pass the memory back and forth.
2. Basic Cross Memory Mode
Cross memory mode was introduced after the SRB, and allowed a program to
access memory in another address space before the invention of access registers
and PC instructions. To use this, the caller:
- Sets AXSET=1 to allow access to any address space.
- Uses SSAR to set the secondary space to the remote address space.
- Uses MVCS and MVCP to move data between address spaces.
- Uses SSAR to set secondary space back.
- Sets AXSET=0.
This is not very clearly documented by IBM, but works fine when the target address
space is non-swappable. If the target address space is swapped out, a S0C4 abend
will occur.
- Easy to understand no complicated synchronous cross memory.
- Easy to code.
- Remote address space must be non-swappable.
- If another task has set AXSET to something other than 1 or 0, you can't
then set it to 1. You're locked out.
- Cannot access memory in more than two address spaces (primary and secondary)
at the same time.
- Caller must be APF authorised.
- Must use MVCP and MVCS to move data between the primary and secondary
address spaces - cannot use other instructions like CLC, MVST, MVCL to address
anything in the secondary address space.
Sample Code
In this sample routine, the ASID of the target (remote) address space is
already stored in the RMTASID word.
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Setup everything
* ---------------------------------------------------
ST R1,REQASN+2 Save it
XR R2,R2
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Get into cross memory mode
* ---------------------------------------------------
LA R2,1
AXSET AX=(R2) Auth index = 1 (all)
SSAR R2 Into Cross memory mode
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Move storage
* ---------------------------------------------------
(use MVCS and MVCP for copying storage)
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Get out of cross memory mode
* ---------------------------------------------------
XR R2,R2
AXSET AX=(R2) Auth index = 0 (none)
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Back to caller
* ---------------------------------------------------
BR R14
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Storage
* ---------------------------------------------------
The basic cross memory facility introduced the idea of home, primary and
secondary address spaces:
- Home - where the program was called from, or where the program's
TCB is.
- Primary - where the instructions for the program are, and the default
area where the data is.
- Secondary - a second address space where data can be accessed.
In the above example, the instruction SSAR is used to set the secondary address
space, and ESAR to get it. EPAR can be used to get the primary address space
(but there's no instruction to set it).
Many macros and services cannot be called in cross memory mode. Check the
relevant documentation before using them.
The use of basic cross memory services is not recommended - Access Register
mode is a far better option.
3. Access Register Mode
With access registers (ARs), cross memory became more stylish. For every
general register (GPR), there is a corresponding AR. So AR3 is paired with
GPR3. In AR mode, the AR can be used to determine the address space that the
corresponding GPR refers to. To use this, the caller:
- Gets the access list entry token (ALET) for the remote address space.
- Puts the ALET into the access register (say AR3).
- Sets AR mode (SAC 512 instruction).
- Uses the corresponding general register when referring to memory in the
remote address space (GPR3 in this case).
- Gets out of AR mode (SAC 0) when done.
- Clears the AR.
- Remote address space doesn't have to be swapped in.
- Can call SVCs.
- Can communicate with up to 16 address spaces at the same time.
- Have access to all instructions (like CLC and MVI) to access remote address
space memory. Do not need to move storage from one address space to another
to reference it.
Code Example
In this example, the address of the ASSB for the target (remote) address
space is already held in the RMTASSB word (this can be found in the ASCBASSB
field of the target ASCB), and RMTADDR holds the address in the target address
space of 50 bytes of data.
* -----------------------------------------------------
* Setup environment
* -----------------------------------------------------
LAM R0,R15,=16F'0' Set all ARs to zero
* -----------------------------------------------------
* Get ALET of remote address space
* -----------------------------------------------------
L R12,RMTASSB Load remote ASSB addr
LTR R15,R15 Check return code
BNZ ERROR If unsuccessful skip out
* -----------------------------------------------------
* Copy first word and next 50 bytes from remote
* address space
* -----------------------------------------------------
SAC 512 Into AR mode
SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR Tell macros are in AR mode
L R3,RMTADDR Store address in GPR3
L R4,0(,R3) Move first word into R4
MVC AREA1(50),4(R3) Move 50 bytes from rmt a/s
SAC 0 Out of AR mode
SYSSTATE ASCENV=P Tell macros out of AR mode
* -----------------------------------------------------
* Cleanup access registers and ALET
* -----------------------------------------------------
LAM R3,R3,=F'0' Clear AR3
- In this example, the access registers are set to zero at the beginning.
This is a good habit to get in to, so there's no chance of accidentally
addressing a different address space.
- Always use the SYSSTATE macro when going into and out of AR mode, so any
macros called will be expanded correctly. Some macros have a different expansion,
depending on the addressing mode.
- You don't have to use the ALESERV to get the ALET. There are three special
- 0 = Primary Address Space
- 1 = Secondary Address Space
- 2 = Home Address Space
So you could use the basic cross memory functions to set the secondary address
space, then use an ALET of 1 in the AR.
- Many macros and services cannot be called in AR mode. Check the relevant
documentation before using them.
- Access Registers only affect the base register for all instructions. In
the above example, the first word from the area in the remote address space
is loaded into R4. We used the instruction
L R4,0(,R3)
R3 is the base register. If we had used
L R4,0(R3)
(with R3 as the index register) we would have moved the word from the primary
address space, not the target address space.
4. Synchronous Cross Memory
This is the Program Call (PC) routine. A service provider creates a routine,
and stores it in memory. The provider then sets up a PC routine number pointing
to this routine, authorisation (who can access it - which address space, authorised
or non-authorised etc.) and the environment.
z/OS provides some 'hard-wired' PCs with fixed PC numbers. For the rest of
us, we need to setup PC routines with standard macros provided by z/OS. The
service provider must:
- Define a PC routine and environment using ETDEF.
- Create an entry table using ETCRE.
- Connect the PC routine to the linkage table for the client address space
using a linkage index (LX) - either a system linkage (all address spaces
can use it) or a non-system LX (specific address spaces can use it).
- Provide the user with a PC number (obtained by concatenating the LX and
the entry table index - EX). This cannot be known before the PC is created.
The provider must also provide a way for callers to obtain this number:
by storing this number in a control block accessible to the calling program
(almost always in CSA) or using a Name/Token pair.
- Create correct PT and SSAR authority for the PC routine using the ATSET
and AXSET macros.
The caller must:
- Obtain the PC number of the routine (from the control block or Name/Token
- Setup any parameters to be passed to the PC routine.
- Call the PC routine.
There are two types of PC routine:
- Basic - The original PC routine. It receives control in Primary
mode, and supervisor or problem state (but almost always supervisor state
so the PCLINK macro can be used to save and restore the caller's environment).
The PC routine must manually save and restore the caller's environment.
- Stacking - The new kid on the block. It receives control in Primary
or AR mode, and the system automatically saves the caller's environment.
Almost everyone uses stacking PC instructions.
- Client does not have to be APF authorised.
- Can use cross memory and AR mode to access memory in different address
- PC routine owner has a lot of control as to who can use the PC routine,
and in which environment.
- No interrupt when PC is called (unlike SVC).
- PC routine is dynamically added and changed.
- There is no way to bypass or update the PC using something similar to
the SVCUPDTE or SVC Screen Facility.
- PC routine can be called from users that cannot call an SVC (as there's
no interrupt).
- PC routines can call another PC routine.
The PC routine can provide a client with resources to access other address
spaces and perform authorised services. PC routines are rapidly replacing
SVC routines.
Article Modifications
The special ALET values in the original article were incorrect, and modified in Jun-2014. Thanks to Benjamin Dissen and Phil Smith III for letting us know
David Stephens